Pyramid Computing, Inc.
Implementing creative solutions efficiently


  Pyramid Computing, Inc.
  333 Red Lily Place
  Evergreen, CO  80439

  720-515-9332  Voice
  720-528-8166  Fax


Action Net - Web Development

Client Project / Industry Role / Skills Used
Phoenix, Arizona
Software Development & Planning
B2C Web Business
Web, Visual Basic, OLE2, 
SQL Server, Windows NT

Acting Vice President Information Systems for this startup company. Established strategic plan for software platforms and development. Developed Corporate Data Model and Systems Data Models that consisted of 150 tables and 1200 fields. Developed programming standards and infrastructure for development the company’s core processing systems. Directed the development of a proprietary software system utilizing capture, storage and retrieval of full motion video. Portions of the application are implemented on the World Wide Web using Visual Basic programs that generate interactive Web pages using CGI Scripting.