Welcome to the Zeeb Family website!
We hope you’ve landed here because you are a Zeeb relative. This website was created to provide the descendants of Veit and Elisabetha Zeeb a free, very private, secure, and interactive website where you can go online and do the following:
Explore the family tree dating back to our earliest known ancestor (Hans Zeeb - 1540) in Germany. We now have over 3000 people in our tree. You are also able to provide vital information (birth/marriage/death, etc.), family stories, videos, and pictures to update your part of the family tree whenever you wish. To learn more about the genealogy section, click here. This section requires you to register and be granted access to keep confidential family information private & secure. For information on registering, click on this Registration Info link.
Family Share
In a separate area of the website, you may create a place where you can store/share family photos/videos with your more immediate family. These areas do not contain genealogy information. To learn more about the Family Share space, click here. Access to this Family Share space is limited to only those family members who have registered and to whom you have granted access.

Serena and Jim at "Genealogy Command Central"
This family website is dedicated to our mother, Dorothy Ann (Waters) Zeeb (1923-2005), who was our unofficial family historian and collected family memorabilia her whole life because, in her words, “family is the most important thing”. We thank you Mom, for making family a priority in our lives. May this website always be a loving and lasting legacy in honor of you.
Many thanks go to many other family members who have contributed information and helped launch the Zeeb Family website.
Please let us know how you like it and any feedback on how it could be better.
Serena: genealogyguru2896@zeeb.com
Jim: webmaster4721@zeeb.com

Elisabetha Walz (1815-1879) and Veit Zeeb (1808-1871)
Vision of Zeeb Family Website
Creating this website for Zeeb descendants has been a dream of mine for nearly 15 years. My name is Serena May (Zeeb) Kolb, and I am a great great granddaughter of Veit and Elisabetha Zeeb. My great grandfather was Albert, their 15th child and youngest son. I wanted to harness computer technology to create an interactive genealogical site that would be free and very secure for all of Veit’s descendants to use. I also wanted to use technology to give current family members a “sense” of a particular person by providing videos, stories, and selected pictures, so each person is more than just a collection of facts - instead you get a glimpse of their personality. Following in the footsteps of other relatives, I traveled several years ago to Kirchentellinsfurt, Germany, where our German ancestors lived, and gathered information and photos there. My goal is to create a website that allows the family tree to be “alive” and keep growing, be accurate, be free, easy to use, and be secure so you won't have to worry about personal information getting into the wrong hands. For more information about the Genealogy section, click here. I am called the GenealogyGuru.
My co-creator is my older and only brother, Jim Zeeb. We are using Reunion, a Macintosh genealogy software program, to capture the data and personality of family members. We needed a vehicle to share the genealogical information, make it interactive, and at no cost to the user. This is where Jim comes into the picture. Jim has been a computer professional his entire career designing software for IBM, Coca-Cola, Well Fargo Bank, and the Federal Government, among other organizations. Jim is the tech expert that actually created the site: registration, security, navigation, privacy, terms and conditions, etc. He also created the Family Share section. He is called the WebMaster.