Pyramid Computing, Inc.
Implementing creative solutions efficiently


  Pyramid Computing, Inc.
  333 Red Lily Place
  Evergreen, CO  80439

  720-515-9332  Voice
  720-528-8166  Fax


University Computing Company - Host to Host VTAM Communications

Client Project / Industry Role / Skills Used
University Computing (now C.A.)
Dallas, Texas
Job Scheduling System
Computer Software
Design / Development, VTAM Application
UCC7(CA7) Host to Host Communications

Designed and developed an enhancement to the UCC-7(now CA-7 by Computer Associates) job scheduling system that would allow tracking of jobs executed using NJE. This required a VTAM application that ran on all network CPU's and captured the NJE job's SMF records and routed them back to the submitting host. This allowed UCC-7(CA-7) to monitor the status of NJE jobs.