Pyramid Computing, Inc.
Implementing creative solutions efficiently


  Pyramid Computing, Inc.
  333 Red Lily Place
  Evergreen, CO  80439

  720-515-9332  Voice
  720-528-8166  Fax


Westwood Mortgage - Operating System Installation

Client Project / Industry Role / Skills Used
Westwood Mortgage
Dallas, Texas
Operating System Install
IBM 4341, MVS, CICS 1.6.1

Performed a variety of systems programming tasks required to bring up their new data center; installed and customized CICS 1.6.1 on an IBM 4341 MVS system using CBIPO and SMP/E. Added CICS Resource Definition Online (RDO) and Recovery/Restart. Installed Environmental Record Editing and Printing program (EREP); and designed and implemented the supporting JCL procedures and job streams. Created USS tables for both SNA/SDLC and BISYNC terminals and printers.