Back Row: Children of Anna Maria & Albert Zeeb
Harold, Ed, Luella, Benjamin, and Walter
Front Row Seated: Anna Maria Staebler Zeeb, daughter-in-law of
Veit & Elisabetha Zeeb
About 1930
We need your help to keep the Genealogy information accurate and up-to-date. This would include corrections to existing data, missing ancestors, and new life event information (birth, marriage, death, etc.).
We want the process for you to provide information to be as easy as possible so we have created the following options:
- If you have six of fewer corrections/additions, just send them to Jim in an email (webmaster4721@zeeb.com).
- If you have seven or more corrections/additions send Jim an email (webmaster4721@zeeb.com) with the update method option number you prefer from the list below:
- Forms are printed and sent to you, you fill them out, and mail them back.
- Forms are emailed to you, you print and fill out the forms, and either mail or fax them back.
- We email you a link to your online forms, you fill them out online, and submit them.
- If none of the above options work for you, let us know what would be better.
What is really important is providing the Full Name (First Middle Last) and Maiden Name for female spouses and a Birth Date. Once we have these critical pieces of information, we can search for additional information available in public records. If you can also provide marriage/divorce/death dates and locations, and any children, the basic information for your family member(s) will be complete.