
Zeeb Genealogy Home

Family Tree

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will take you to the Ancestry.com sign-in page. We use Ancestry to research and provide

Family Tree Help

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will describe and give you instructions on how to use the various aspects of the Family Tree.

Document Archives

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will take you to the archives where there are links to various documents about Zeeb history.

General Zeeb Images

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will take you to a photo album of images relating to general Zeeb history.

Identify these relatives

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will take you to a photo album of the pictures we have, but are not able to identify. If you see some you recognize, click the Send feedback button on that page and tell us the image number and who it is.

Genealogy Media

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will take you to a photo album of genealogy related pictures and videos for individual relatives.

Life Event Updates

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will provide instructions on the steps to take to update the Family Tree when you have new life events in your family (birth, graduation, martiage, etc.).

I want to help update the tree!

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will guide you through the process to help verify existing information and expand the Family Tree.

Free Services

Clicking on this choice on the menu to the left will outline the Free Services that are available such as: